2017-02-01 00:00:30
Hello from Australia !! オーストラリアでは傘が売れない?
こんにちはメアリ-です。 今日のMary's Cafe ゲストは、オーストラリアの Leighさんです。
Hi everyone, I currently work for Asahi Language Academy and would like to talk about my country, Australia. I've lived in Japan for 5 years now and I still get surprised daily by Japanese culture. Last week I was walking to work, it had just started raining lightly and I noticed everyone around me using their umbrellas. I had my umbrella with me but chose not to use it. I got a few strange looks from the walkers by, as it was raining (only lightly) but I wasn't using my umbrella. My 27 years living in Australia I never used an umbrella. Of course it rains sometimes back home but nothing like Japan. When there is light rain, especially in the heat of Japanese summer I find it so refreshing. I think Australians are so happy when it rains. At least in the countryside where I grew up. If it rained back home the farmers could grow better crops, therefore the farmers made more money and spent more money at the local shops. So it benefited everyone. So still after 5 years in Japan if its raining slightly, I choose not to use my umbrella. It brings me much happiness to walk in the rain and feel it hit my face. It's one of the small joys in my life as it reminds me of happy times back home. I've talked to many of my foreign friends in Japan and they have similar experiences. So if you see a foreigner walking in the rain in Japan, they may look strange, but just remember they may be extremely happy to do so. Leigh
オーストラリアから日本に来て5年の Leigh さんは、今だに文化の違いに驚かされるようですね。先日も(自分にとっては)ほんの少しの雨の中、傘をささずに歩いている自分を不思議そうに見ているかのような人々の視線を感じ、逆にびっくりしたようですね。彼の出身のオーストラリアの田舎町では雨はほとんど降らず、ほんの少しの雨でも農夫たちには大切な恵みの雨なので、雨が振ればむしろ全身でそれを楽しむとのこと。日本人もかつては農耕民族で、雨は作物にとって無くてはならないものとは言え、梅雨の季節もあり雨は必ず降るものという日本人と、とりわけ近年旱魃に苦しむオーストラリア人では「雨」への思いもこんなに違うのですね。
Mary ♥。・゚♡゚・。♥。・゚♡゚・。♥。
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